Electric Mobility and Energy


As part of UGA Public Service and Outreach, our team partners with diverse stakeholders across Georgia to support communities as they manage change and embrace opportunities presented by innovation in electric mobility and energy. We provide expertise in areas such as infrastructure, policy and administration, and workforce and economic development; empowering communities to make informed decisions that fit their unique needs. Through impactful events, webinars, workshops, conferences, and personalized support, we help inform and inspire governments to be more effective and efficient in adapting to evolving energy landscapes.

Thumbnail with words "Plug Into Georgia" and the Carl Vinson Institute of Government logo

Plug Into Georgia Webinar

Save the Date!

Our next webinar will be April 2025.

More information coming soon.

Regional Workshops

We are hosting periodic regional workshops for local government and community leaders around the state.

Please contact us if you are interested in attending.



>>View past webinar recordings and other resources.


Questions? Contact Us.

Reach out to learn more about having us speak at an event or host a regional workshop in your community.
Electric Mobility and Energy Team