GOV360 and HR Coaching

GOV360® is an online professional development tool for individuals who work in government management. Designed by faculty from the UGA Institute of Government and the UGA Department of Psychology, GOV360 addresses specific circumstances of the governmental workplace GOV360 allows individuals insight into personal strengths and opportunities for growth through the perspectives of fellow workers. It combines information from a self-assessment with results from anonymous questionnaires about your performance completed online by subordinates, peers, and manager or elected leader. The results give better understanding of how others perceive your leadership and how to enhance effectiveness on the job. GOV360 also allows you to develop individual goals for professional development.

Paired with one-on-one executive coaching sessions, it provides government executives, midlevel managers or frontline supervisors with personalized leadership development.

The GOV360 Process

The Assessment

GOV360 gives perspective on:

  • Change management
  • Risk assessment
  • Oral communication
  • Coaching
  • Delegation
  • Unit performance measurement
  • Problem-solving
  • Conflict management
  • Initiative
  • Interpersonal sensitivity

Once input has been compiled through the online tool, individuals receive a comprehensive GOV360 feedback report detailing the results and highlighting personal strengths, blind spots, hidden talents and opportunities for growth.

Executive Coaching

One of our executive coaches reviews individual GOV360 reports and provides feedback on how to:

  • Conduct skills assessments
  • Examine leadership and management styles
  • Evaluate strengths and weakness
  • Discuss other approaches

Coaches work to address a specific concern or help meet an identified professional goal by translating report results and applying them to your situation and objectives. Participants receive a customized professional development plan that incorporates the GOV360 findings with career and organizational goals. Coaching sessions may be held in-person or virtually.

To Purchase

There are several options according to individual needs. Choose the assessment separately and add the coaching session later. NOTE: To protect anonymity, reports require that a minimum of one supervisor, two direct reports and two peers complete the assessment within 60 days.  No refunds will be issued after this time.

Purchase GOV360

Please note: clicking "Purchase GOV360" above will redirect you to the Institute of Government Online store at the UGA Marketplace where you can place your order.

GOV360 is a trademark of the University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.

Questions? Contact Us.

Dan Lasseter